What can I say about this snowy Wednesday in Pittsburgh? Best day in a long time. All the crying, anxiety attacks, praying, standing firm I had a small victory in my life. In this war I'm having with being in a toxic relationship due to drugs and selfishness. He was out of his mind high this weekend. He told me if I just let him get high and deal with it that we would be just fine. I think not. lol However, that's all going to change.

They changed his probation officer to Courtney. He had Courtney when he was in drug court. She takes her job serious. He's afraid of her. He knows if he pees dirty he's going to jail. He knows she WILL randomly stop by the house to check for drugs and alcohol. He's already afraid. He's out getting drug tests to see if he'll pass if she wants him to come down today. I am smiling from ear to ear. Small victory but a victory none-the-less. This is just the beginning on what God is going to do in my life this year and I am so excited. Thank you Jesus for this victory today!