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Writer's picturemarygoround7


It's been a little over 2 months since my last blog. A lot has happened since than. I want to start with the good news first. My boyfriend is still sober and we got married! After everything we have been through it looks like there will be a happy ending. He smiled the whole time and even had a little tear in his eyes when he saw me and even mouthed "wow" when he saw me in my wedding dress. He even had a little tear when we had our first dance as husband and wife. He does love me! This is the person I knew he could be. I'm so glad I stayed to try one last time. Even more great news is he got baptized the Sunday before our wedding. He reaffirmed his faith and love for Jesus. I was in tears from beng happy this time. I love him soooo much.His daughter and fiancee' stayed with us for the wedding weekend and we got to know eachother and bond. it was awesome. She got to meet her new extended family. It was really nice. I still have some cleaning up to do but it was a great weekend. Unfortunately I have to get an imaging of my upper chest because they said, which I remember, I have nodules in my lung. My oncologist just wants

to make sure. If they stayed the same size or disappeared than I'm good and will only need to check them once a year. If they grew he wants me to have surgery to remove them. I asked if that happened if he could go in where I already have mini scars. He said no it doesn't work like that. He said no reason to worry we are just checking to make sure and be safe. By now if you have been following me than you know I looked up how the sugery works. They cut into my chest! I started to get nervous sick. I don't want to have surgery again. I was already freaking myself out and I don't know what the results are yet. I got out of it and prayed to God and whichever way it goes I will be fine. My appointment is August 7th. I'm too happy to worry about something I don't have results for.

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